Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Account Manager p1

Account Manager

Part 1

tha Porter pulled into the parking lot of her company's local office. She had worked for the company for over eleven months; she had become more than a little disillusioned. She had a first class education and she'd gone there to get away from the damned weather in the Northeast. No more skiing and yet here she would be struggling to get the long leg cast out of her car again and get her crutches in position. The leg that she broke in a bad car accident.

It was late, way past midnight. She was blindsided about 2 minutes from her condo driving her Porsche. She was wearing her seatbelt if not she would be dead. She knew something was terribly wrong with her leg, compound fracture, multiple breaks of the tibia and fibula. Surgery to install two plates, bolts, screws.

She won’t walk for a very long time but at she’s done with traction and moves around like a pro on her crutches.

Samantha was a looker; some might even say a 'knock-out'. She turned heads. In heel (Yes she still wearing heel on her right foot, even on crutches), she was taller than most men.

She had some work to do in the office, but was here primarily to meet her new boss, the new sales manager. The previous sales manager had been a total jerk.

Samantha checked her makeup in the rear view mirror. While crutching toward the front reception, she examined her reflection
in the mirrored glass at the front of the building.

She had a full head of naturally wavy, dark blond hair---her true color. Her breasts were full and firm.

With deep blue eyes, decent cheekbones and a great smile. Her right leg was long and tanned and her butt turned heads wherever she went. Her left leg was bent at the knee in a purple cast covering her whole leg. She loved to feel the cast way high on her leg.

This was her best business suit and she looked both professional and sexy when she wore it.

She greeted the receptionist at the front desk warmly and made her way to her customer service rep, or at least the woman she, 'shared' with two other reps. This lady had been more helpful to her than anyone else in the place.

"How’s your broken leg Samantha?"

"Forget about the leg dear, what's he like?" She asked, almost in a whisper, standing on crutches with her legs kinda cross like sexy woman do standing.

"On first impression, he seems very nice." The woman replied.

"He took the time to come in early and spend time with all of the office staff. He went around to every desk and introduced himself. He's definitely an improvement."

The older woman continued. "He's also a cutie." She stated in a confidential

They both laughed. Samantha worked her way over to the new guy's secretary on her crutches.

"Can I get a few minutes with the, 'boss'?" She inquired.

"Absolutely, Samantha, Shawn's been expecting you. He's not on the phone, let me get the door and you just go on in." The secretary told her, adding in a hushed tone. "You're going to
like him!" while holding on to the door.

She walked on her crutches through the open door.

"Samantha!" He exclaimed. "It's great to meet you; I'm Shawn. Shawn Sutherland."

And as he spoke, he moved from behind the desk and came over to shake her hand. His movement was smooth and fluid, almost like jungle cat on the prowl, nothing awkward or uncoordinated.

Her new boss guided her toward the long couch which faced the
desk; that was new. Previously there had been very uncomfortable, straight back, office chairs where the couch now resided.

"How do you take your coffee?" Shawn asked.

Without even thinking, she replied. "Black, I like my coffee black."

"Good choice, I'm ready for a refill. Can I get you a cup?" He asked.

"That would be great." She replied, assuming that he would direct his secretary to scurry to the conference room next door to procure the java, as the prior jerk and the VP would have done.

"Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a chair to rest your broken leg " Shawn said

"No thank you, I will be fine"

Shawn moved out the door to get coffee for both of them.

I'm impressed, she thought to herself. Shawn returned with two steaming mugs of fresh coffee.

"Sorry it took so long." He said apologetically. "I had to start a new pot."
As he handed her the coffee, he took a seat at the other end of the couch, not behind his desk---another surprise. He assumed a relaxed posture, turning toward her with his body, open and friendly. They began to chat.

Pat 2 to come

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